Yeh Hai Chahatein the Star In addition to show created by Balaji Telefilms has seen drawing in show with Rudraksh (Abrar Qazi) and Preesha (Sargun Kaur Luthra) playing a game with Armaan (Alatamash Faraz). Nonetheless, Armaan sniffed reality and professed to know nothing about the arrangement that Rudraksh and Preesha were playing. The consequence of every last bit of it will happen now.
As Rudraksh keeps on examining the specialist, Armaan and Digvijay come there and stand up to Rudraksh. As Armaan goes into the room Rudraksh feels stunned, and that is where Armaan uncovers that he knows it all. He uncovers that he is familiar with Preesha having restored her memory and that Rudraksh and Preesha were pulling pranks on him meanwhile.
Armaan will stop Rudraksh's enormous move of getting an admission recorded from the specialist who assisted Armaan with medicating Preesha. He would have faked being deadened and presently will stun Rudraksh with this next move.
Armaan will catch Rudraksh. Armaan will capture Rudraksh and will keep him in a house. He will torment him, and beat him up seriously. Then again, Armaan will be prepared to play his game with Preesha as well, who has been faking cognitive decline before him. Preesha will be stressed over Rudraksh. His family will likewise stress over him abruptly disappearing.
This is where things begin to warm up in light of the fact that this conflict prompts some serious activity among Armaan and Rudraksh, where eventually, Armaan is pointing a weapon at Rudraksh.
What will happen now? Will Preesha get to be aware of Rudraksh being captured?